Medical Malpractice

Our Services


Marulli, Mannarino & Erichsen, LLP has worked with many of the largest professional malpractice insurance companies, and has successfully represented many hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities in counties throughout New York and New Jersey.  Our firm has tried hundreds of cases involving a wide range of complex medical issues including birth-related injuries, delayed diagnosis and wrongful death. The firm also provides support to the risk management departments and disciplinary committees of major area hospitals. The firm has achieved outstanding results in the representation of physicians in all medical specialties, dentists, podiatrists, chiropractors, midwives and nurses. Our attorneys develop an in-depth understanding of the medical issues of each case, and have access to some of the most prominent medical experts their fields have to offer.

When afforded the privilege of representing a physician, or any other healthcare provider, the senior partners carefully review the claim, as well as the general and specialty training and needs of each client. They then select a trial attorney, who possesses the necessary skill and experience to supervise a closely knit team of attorneys to represent and protect the interests of the client. The team leader is tasked with advising and inspiring the team to forcefully advocate and articulate the client’s clinical judgments and medical treatment throughout the discovery process and trial.

With the knowledge that this advocacy is a great privilege, client and company requests, inquires and demands are treated with gravity and respect, and always addressed in a timely fashion.

These guidelines and protocols are the foundation of our law firm. They enlighten and govern the professional responsibilities and activities of our entire staff and assist us in providing the support and advocacy which our clients deserve.

299 Broadway, Suite 605 New York, NY 10007


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