Kings County

Litigation Results


Kings County

  • Defense verdict.  Claim of permanent incontinence as a result of failure to use Methylene Blue dye to inspect bladder during a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpinogo-oophorectomy and lysis of adhesions, resulting in an undiagnosed bladder perforation and development of fistula.  Demand $500,000.
  • Dismissal of action following testimony of plaintiff’s expert which was discredited during cross-examination.  Plaintiff alleged injury to the left ureter from improper placement of a surgical clip during gynecological procedure.
  • Defense verdict.  Action had been brought against rheumatologist alleging improper prescription of off-label medication for the treatment of lupus, causing severe Steven’s Johnson’s Syndrome.  Plaintiff’s demand was $1.25 million.
  • Defense verdict.  Action had been brought against physician, alleging failure to determine cause of jaundice in fifty year-old with three young children, with alleged unnecessary surgery and wrongful death.  Plaintiff’s demand was $12 million.
  • Defense verdict.  Action had been brought against an anesthesiologist involving a claim of administration of contraindicated anesthetic agents during elective orthopedic surgery, and failure to properly monitor and resuscitate patient after cardiac arrest during surgery.  Patient remained in a vegetative state for two years before death.  Plaintiff’s demand was $3.8 million.
299 Broadway, Suite 605 New York, NY 10007


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